
The team at science 42 – a perfect blend of practice, theory and a wealth of experience in their respective fields.

Brad van Paridon

Brad van Paridon, PhD

Brad grew up and studied in western Canada eventually completing a Ph.D. in biology studying mind altering parasites. During his time in academia, he found his passion for science communication and journalism. After moving to Europe, he embarked on a freelance career and his work has appeared as written and audio stories in publications such […]
Janet Schmidt

Dr. Janet Schmidt

Janet completed her doctorate in physics at Goethe University Frankfurt and then worked as a fellow at CERN in Switzerland. She then continued her career at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden. She is currently working at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt. As someone who has seen and managed […]
Manuel Maidorn

Dr. Manuel Maidorn

Manuel studied biochemistry and molecular biology and completed his doctorate in 2017. As a long-time science slammer, he dedicated himself to science communication during this time and was also active as a lecturer in student laboratories and as a freelance trainer. After his doctorate, he worked for a while as Science Communication Officer at the […]
Sarah Labudek

Dr. Sarah Labudek

Sarah is a passionate psychologist with a focus on promoting mental and physical health. Her mission: to help people establish new, healthy habits. In her work, she sees body and mind as an inseparable unit and uses evidence-based methods. She also uses specific habit-forming strategies in her workshops to anchor the content in the participants’ […]
Sascha Vogel

Dr. Sascha Vogel

Sascha Vogel is a theoretical physicist by training. After a career in science (diploma in 2005, doctorate in 2009, postdoc abroad until 2011), he switched to science management in 2011.Here he coordinated a Helmholtz Graduate School until 2016 and was responsible for the scientific program and the transferable skills courses. He quickly became a tutor […]
Eike Schädel

Eike Schädel

Eike Schädel organizes and coordinates the courses, dates and trainers to ensure that your events run smoothly. Do you need a quote, suggested dates or have questions about our courses? Eike will be happy to help you. As a qualified office communications specialist with over 10 years’ experience of working with academic staff at the […]
Tamara Gerhard

Tamara Gerhard

Tamara is a professionally experienced opera singer and speech scientist. She obtained her singing diploma in Karlsruhe and has been active as a singer throughout Germany since graduating. The career change from artistry to classical rhetoric was initially motivated by starting a family, but was ultimately an opportunity to make clever use of the pandemic […]