Applications in and outside of science

How do I get the job that I want?

Topics (selection)

  • Application procedures
  • Interviews - do's and don'ts
  • Assessment centre
  • Talking about strengths and weaknesses
  • Academic and non-academic CVs

Course Description

In an increasingly competitive world of work, excellent application skills are crucial to succeed both within and outside the academic community. This course is aimed at students, doctoral candidates or postdocs who want to maximise their chances on the job market, regardless of whether they are pursuing an academic or non-academic career. The course provides comprehensive guidance on how to create effective applications for different career steps. Participants will learn how to write compelling CVs and cover letters, master job interviews and present their individual strengths and experience in the best possible way. The specific requirements and expectations in science as well as the special features of non-scientific careers are covered.

The course explains the basics of the application process, including the differences between academic and non-academic application procedures. Participants will learn how to create a convincing CV that is tailored to the respective target position in terms of both structure and content. In addition to the design of academic CVs, the course also covers the creation of CVs for industry and other sectors. Participants will also learn how to write compelling cover letters that clearly and concisely convey their motivation and qualifications. The course also includes practical exercises to prepare for job interviews, including developing self-presentation strategies and answering typical interview questions.

Organisational requirements

up to 12 participants
4 / 8 hours
online / in person
German / English

The seminar is offered as a 4 or 8 hour online or in person course. The thematic focus will be agreed upon individually in each case.

This workshop is available in German as well as English. The number of participants is limited to 12.

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