Body Language and Appearance

Taking the stage

Topics (selection)

  • Body language and voice
  • Being confident on stage
  • Dealing with stage fright
  • Making an impression with presentations
  • Practical presentation exercises in front of the camera

Course Description

The PowerPoint or flipchart presentation is well prepared, but now it is time to step on stage and appear as confident as possible. Ideally not only appear confident, but also be confident. Our trainers have experience both inside and outside of science at international conferences and stages and show which tricks to consider in order to connect with the audience and how to present the content as engaging as possible.

Organisational requirements

up to 12 participants
4 / 8 / 16 hours
online / in person
German / English

The seminar is offered as a 4, 8 or 16 hour online or in person course. The thematic focus will be agreed upon individually in each case.

This workshop is available in German as well as English. The number of participants is limited to 12.

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