Time management

I like the whooshing sound deadlines make as they fly by.

Topics (selection)

  • Deep Work
  • Personal Kanban
  • Timeboxing
  • Pomodoro Technique
  • Getting Things Done
  • Checklists

Course Description

Good time management is crucial, at the latest in the doctoral phase, in order to be able to complete your studies successfully and efficiently. How do you manage to keep track of everything from the big project "doctoral thesis" to papers and conferences to the deadline for the defense? How do you avoid procrastination and can't everything be done more efficiently?

In the workshop we will deal with different methods of time and project management. The focus will not be on the organization of teams, but on the organization of one's own working and living time. The goal is to give the participants a toolbox to be able to concentrate on the essentials.

Organisational requirements

up to 12 participants
4 / 8 hours
online / in person
German / English

The seminar is offered as a 4 or 8 hour online or in person course. The thematic focus will be agreed upon individually in each case.

This workshop is available in German as well as English. The number of participants is limited to 12.

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