Career Development

How to go on after your PhD?

Topics (selection)

  • Resumes — what do you need them for and how do you design them?
  • Requirements of employers
  • Interviews — practical exercises
  • Understanding your own skills and strengths
  • Assessment centers — expectations and exercises
  • Networking — why and how?
  • Career planning uncertainties
  • Work-life balance

Course Description

What comes after graduation or a doctorate? How to get the job you want — and which one is that? These are questions that graduates and doctoral students often ask themselves toward the end of their studies or doctorate. We work out which options are available and which career steps are important to get closer to the respective dream job. The course is designed accordingly for students and PhD students in their final year, but can also be adapted for scientists at all career stages.

Organisational requirements

up to 12 participants
4 / 8 / 16 hours
online / in person
German / English

The seminar is offered as a 4, 8 or 16 hour online or in person course. The thematic focus will be agreed upon individually in each case.

This workshop is available in German as well as English. The number of participants is limited to 12.

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